5 Easy Treats to Make For Your Mishloach Manot

Purim is almost here and that means it’s time to get ready to share treats with friends, family, and your community. The special gift baskets exchanged on Purim, mishloach manot in Hebrew, also act as a reminder to care about the needs of others, especially those who may be struggling. (By the way, if you've never put together a mishloach manot before, you're in luck -- PJ Library is sending a wonderful, easy to use kit along with all February 2020 books!)

Related: What Are Mishloach Manot?

There’s no special requirement for what goes into your mishloach manot, but they usually contain sweets, like hamantaschen or cookies. It’s also traditional to include at least two portions of food for sharing.

Related: 7 Easy Gifts In a Jar To Share With Friends

The recipes below are all easy and fun sweets and goodies that your kids can make with just a tiny bit of adult supervision.

No Bake Date Candy

This special recipe was designed by our content team to go right in your family’s mishloach manot. Once you’ve finished decorating your PJ Library mishloach manot containers, put together a batch of these with your family.

Apple Cookie Pops

If you enjoyed this special PJ Library Rosh Hashanah recipe, bring it back for some healthy Purim treats. For easy packing, skip the frosting.

Chewy Raisin and Almond Cookies

These cookies are incredibly easy to make and yield a huge batch, so they are perfect for sharing. Let the kids do the mixing and some of the rolling while grown-ups handle taking these treats in and out of the oven. Just remember to include an ingredient list or a label that says "contains almonds" for any potential recipients with allergies.

Hot Chocolate Jar

Put together a hot chocolate kit to share or prep a favorite beverage. You can also create a variation using pancake or soup mix. Feeling festive? Give your kids some paint and leftover stickers from their PJ Library mishloach manot kit to decorate the outside of the jars.

Stained Glass Cookies

Sure it says “Hanukkah recipe,” but you can make these interesting stained glass cookies any time of year. If you’ve got a number eight cookie cutter, you can even layer pieces to make Purim mask cookies!


What do you like to put in your mishloach manot? Are you making them for the first time this year? Share photos of your gift baskets with us using #pjlibrary