All year round, it’s important to take care of the environment. There are many, many everyday ways to help. We can pick up trash, recycle, and compost. We can turn off lights and not waste water. We can walk or ride a bike instead of driving in the car.
On Tu B’Shevat, we dedicate ourselves to doing all of these things, and we also plant. If you live where it’s too cold for outdoor planting, you can plant indoors or give money to a local charity or conservation effort to plant trees.
Protect a Tree

Even when we’re not planting them, trees may need our protection. Is there a tree in your yard or neighborhood that could use some care?
- Water it.
- When the weather stays hot and sunny, most trees appreciate a drink.
- Weed it.
- Invasive grasses and weeds can stress a tree out. Pull them out by the roots so they don’t grow back.
- Clean it.
- Pick up litter around your tree (and elsewhere).
- Hug it!
Plant a Tree
In real life:
Here are some fertile tips for planting your own trees:
Wait until the best time for planting. If the Jewish birthday of the trees isn’t the right time to plant where you live, pick a different season. You can at least use Tu B’Shevat to “plant” your intention.
Look for trees that work well in your growing zone. Your favorite tree may not be the best fit for your climate. Find a tree that will be happy growing beside you.
No yard? Consider a container sapling. Some trees can grow for quite a while in a large container. Then eventually you can transplant it into a permanent location. However you do it, the more trees there are in the world, the better off we all are.
In the United States:
In Israel:
Plant Parsley

Here’s a lovely way to “cross-fertilize” your Jewish holidays. Plant parsley in a specially decorated flowerpot for Tu B’Shevat, and pick the parsley just in time for Passover!
Sprout an Avocado Pit

Want to grow your own tree for Tu B’Shevat (or anytime)? The next time you eat an avocado, save the pit for sprouting.
9 Ways to Celebrate Tu B’Shevat With Kids
Green Thumb Training for Tu B’Shevat
Explore the Seven Species
August 1, 2024