Do you love celebrating Hanukkah? Are you ready to share your Hanukkah traditions with your friends and family? You'll find books perfect for any age group - from babies to big kids - in the list below.
Related: The Hanukkah Story for Kids
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Browse all PJ Library Hanukkah Selections
Board Books for Babies
Recommended for ages 6 Months to 2 Years
During Hanukkah, every day is a dreidel day! Little ones will love counting along with the kitty in this book as the holiday progresses from 1 to 8.
Recommended for ages 6 Months to 2 Years
Hanukkah’s almost here. You know what that means! Everybody join in: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel!
Recommended for ages 6 Months to 2 Years
Gather round to light the menorah, spin the dreidel, eat latkes, and sing songs! Hanukkah rituals are always delightful -- especially when bunnies are involved.
Recommended for ages 6 Months to 2 Years
Latkes are frying, the menorah is shining -- what holiday is this family getting ready for? By the story’s end, your child will be reciting it with you.
Recommended for ages 6 Months to 2 Years
Count the number of candles lighted each night of Hanukkah in English, Hebrew and Yiddish!
Recommended for ages 6 Months to 2 Years
Based on a Hebrew children's song, this book is a celebration of ritual and family. Hanukkah unfolds, one night at a time, until the eighth and last night, when all the candles shine brightly.
Books for Toddlers
Recommended for ages 3 to 4
Even if children are too young to understand the history and details of Hanukkah, they are never too young to share in the joy of family, special foods, symbols, and singing. Everything looks new when seen from a child’s perspective, including menorahs, dreidels, and latkes. And family togetherness is something everyone understands.
Recommended for ages 2 to 4
A little boy counts the Chanukah lights and, at the same time, considers all the light in the world around him.
Recommended for ages 2 to 3
Hanukkah is all about sharing fun, food, and festivity with family and friends -- even your furry ones. Right, Biscuit?
Recommended for ages 2 to 3
The traditional Japanese poetic form, coupled with stepped illustrations, make a lovely way to celebrate the Festival of Lights.
Recommended for ages 2 to 3
From the warm glow of holiday candles to the fun of family gatherings, dinosaurs love to celebrate the Festival of Lights. Sometimes the excitement of Chanukah can lead to some unexpected dinosaur behaviors!
Recommended for ages 2 to 4
Woody Guthrie’s music had many influences -- including his mother-in-law, Aliza Greenblatt, who inspired the rollicking, toe-tapping lyrics of this book.
Books for Kindergarteners
Recommended for ages 5 to 6
Remember the characters from the classic All-of-a-Kind series? They're back in this sweet picture book. Rejoin Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte, and especially Gertie as this loving Lower East Side family prepares for a Hanukkah feast.
Recommended for ages 5 to 6
Bubba Brayna has invited the rabbi to join her in a lovely Hanukkah dinner! But Bubba Brayna is very old, and she doesn't see very well. When a guest arrives at her door, she thinks it's the rabbi...but it's not. And this guest is hungry!
Related:Three Questions With Eric Kimmel
Recommended for ages 5 to 6
Poor Misha! He spends Hanukkah all by his lonesome. That is until Mazel, a hungry barn cat, strolls into his life. Misha may not have enough money to light Hanukkah candles, but with a little luck -- or Mazel! -- he can use his art to bring some light to the holiday.
Recommended for ages 4 to 6
Sadie is so proud of the menorah she made -- she can’t wait to show it to her mother! But, uh-oh -- in her haste, something terrible happens. How will Sadie be able to enjoy Hanukkah now?
Related:Three Questions With Rabbi Jamie Korngold
Recommended for ages 5 to 6
Sadie’s family has both Jewish and Indian background, so at Hanukkah they eat dosas, traditional Indian pancakes. But they get locked out just before their Hanukkah party! Who will save the day?
Books for Ages 6 and Up
Recommended for ages 6 to 7
Sara and her family are getting ready for Hanukkah -- which means delicious foods, including cookies! But then she notices one man who doesn’t seem to eat much at all, let alone Hanukkah treats. Sara decides to try and help.
Recommended for ages 7 to 8
At a dreidel-making workshop, Jeremy’s friends think he’s molding a secret code on his clay dreidel. But he’s really making a special gift for his father, who is blind. How will he get his friends to appreciate his special dreidel?
Recommended for ages 6 to 7
Ruthie is walking through the woods to spend Hanukkah at Grandmother’s house, carrying sour cream and applesauce. When a hungry wolf crosses her path, Ruthie has to think quickly!
Recommended for ages 7 to 8
Grandpa Latke is telling the rest of the Latke family the story of Hanukkah -- but he seems to be a little confused about some the details. Is it Mega Bees or Maccabees? Can someone please set Grandpa straight?
Recommended for ages 7 to 8
A parakeet shows up at David’s family’s window one snowy Hanukkah night. When they can’t track down his owners, they happily adopt him as their own pet. But many years later David meets the bird’s original owner, Zelda. How can they both keep theparakeet?
Recommended for ages 6 and up
Annie’s family creates their own family traditions around Jewish holidays -- and they often take place at Turtle Rock. On the first night of Hanukkah, Annie takes the lead -- and makes sure potatoes play a starring role.
Chapter Books
Recommended for ages 10 and up
This Chanukah, Joel is anticipating the usual letdowns: boring presents, an annoying school holiday concert, and greasy latkes. But when the dreidel lands on a letter he never expected, he finds himself hoping for another Chanukah miracle.
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Only one thing stands between victory for Ben and his soccer team: a school bully who torments Ben. Feeling misunderstood by those who love him most, Ben finds an unexpected friend in his grandfather.
Related:Three Questions With Barbara Bietz
Recommended for ages 9 and up
Josh isn’t as brave as his twin brother Nate,but when danger strikes on a Scouts trip in Israel, it’s up to Josh to rescue his friends. Can he find the courage to save the day?
Sephardic Books
Recommended for ages 7 to 8
Isobel’s Aunt Luisa is from Mexico, and at her house, dreidels are filled with candy, and they welcome the “luna nueva,” the new moon that always arrives during “Januca.” Isobel will never forget this Hanukkah!
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Why won’t Emanuel’s father light the Hanukkah menorah? Frustrated, Emanuel stows away on a whaling ship! But when a storm hits, the only thing that might save him is a light from home -- and not just any light.
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Manuel’s life changes forever when he finds out that he’s really Jewish. It is 17th century Spain and danger lurks everywhere, even in his own home. Can Manuel stay safe and protect the people he loves?
Find more Sephardic stories
Folk Tales
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Get hungry for Hanukkah -- these traditional folktales go hand-in-hand with delicious recipes that you’ll enjoy preparing for your own holiday festivities.
Recommended for ages 8 and up
Hershel finds a way to outwit the goblins that haunt the village synagogue and are keeping the villagers from celebrating Hanukkah.
Recommended for ages 6 to 7
Recommended for ages 7 to 8
The mayor of Lublin has given the people of Chelm a beautiful gift -- a giant menorah to light up the nights of Hanukkah. How can they ever thank him? Yitzi comes up with an idea! Learn more about how this book was made.
Interfaith Books
Related:Holiday Tips for Interfaith Families
Recommended for ages 4 to 5
Rachel’s Italian grandma, Nonna, doesn’t celebrate Hanukkah, so Rachel plans to bring Hanukkah to her house. But when her plans go awry, Nonna makes it all okay.
Recommended for ages 4 to 5
As the only Jewish child in her class, a young girl not only learns that each person is unique but is able to share this understanding with her classmates.
Recommended for ages 7 to 8
During a scarlet fever epidemic in Michigan, the members of a Jewish family help make Christmas special for their very sick neighbors.
Related:Hanukkah Books for Interfaith Families
Browse all PJ Library Hanukkah Selections
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October 19, 2021