Make a Kid-Sized Play Sukkah

The fall holiday of Sukkot has plenty of traditions for kids to love. It engages all the senses, from the smell and feel of the symbolic lulav and etrog to the sights and sounds of spending time outside in the sukkah, the temporary shelter that’s the focus of the holiday. Plus there’s the construction project of building the sukkah itself and the excitement of eating (and sometimes even sleeping) outdoors.

While kids make great assistants when it comes to putting together and decorating a full-size sukkah, the heavy lifting is mostly grownup work. However, the little helpers in your house can take charge on a smaller scale. Kids can enjoy anticipating Sukkot beforehand or extend the celebration afterward by making a play sukkah!

This Activity Works With These Books:


  • Cardboard boxes of any size
  • Scissors
  • Small leafy branches
  • Markers, paint, stickers, or other art supplies


  • Cut the flaps off your cardboard box so you are left with three walls.
  • Cut off the top of the box (the one facing the ceiling when it’s standing up on its side) and lay small branches across the top to create a roof of s’chach (organic material used for the covering).
  • Then decorate the sukkah with art supplies, and invite friends!
  • A mini sukkah can accommodate stuffed animal guests, while a larger one is the perfect place to hang out with the human kind.
  • Enjoy being together!


Make a Sukkah-Fort
How to Build a Sukkah With Your Family
7 No-Waste Decorations to Make For Your Sukkah


Find more Sukkot crafts and activities on the PJ Library Sukkot hub.