PJ LIBRARY CHILDREN, ages 3 to 8, are receiving an extra special gift in their book envelopes this month (Nov. 2012). Along with their respective PJ Library selection, the six participating age groups are receiving a cardboard tzedakah box (and stickers with which to decorate!).
Tzedakah (from the Hebrew word meaning righteousness, fairness, or justice) refers to the responsibility to give money and/or assistance to the poor or needy or to worthwhile causes. Tzedakah is about making sure that all of the world's resources (food, water, clothing, education, shelter, etc.) are shared justly.
For PJ Library founder Harold Grinspoon,
tzedakah has very personal significance. “Jews consider it an act of justice to give charity to those in need,” he says. “It is not something we do just because it feels good; we do it because our tradition obligates us to give.”
Because Harold himself grew up with tzedakah boxes around his home, he is giving tzedakah boxes to PJ Library children in hopes they, too, will learn to cherish the value of charitable giving.
“When I was a child, my mother taught me about helping others,” Harold recalls. “She placed little coin boxes around our house so my brothers, sister, and I could empty our pockets from time to time and place our pennies, nickels, and dimes into these containers. We then donated the money to different charities to help people less fortunate.”
Along with the cardboard tzedakah box (and decorative stickers) enclosed with November’s books, Harold has enclosed a tear-out drawing/note-writing form and envelope.
“I would love to hear your tzedakah story,” Harold tells PJ families. “Please consider sharing news about the charities or causes your family chooses to support through tzedakah money.”
Children aren’t the only ones being encouraged to participate in tzedakah. Parents have an opportunity, too!
In partnership with Jewish parenting website, Kveller.com, Harold Grinspoon invites parents and adults to vote for one of 10 selected causes during the month of November. The caused-based nonprofit receiving the greatest number of votes will be awarded a $5,000 gift from Harold Grinspoon.
November 11, 2012