This post is part of PJ Library's "Three Questions" series where we get to know a different author, illustrator, or musician by asking three questions about their work, process, and interests. When we sat down with Richard Michelson, we couldn't possibly stop at just three questions, so this interview is a little bit longer than usual. Scroll down to learn more about the author and his work -- and you can find a full list of PJ Library books by Richard Michelson at the close of the interview.
Why write children’s books?
I love to write for children because children are excited to learn new things, and they love to play with language and to use their imaginations, and they aren’t afraid of their emotions. And sometimes my books are just too complicated for adults to understand!!
Which of your books is your favorite and why?
I love ALL my books, but I have to admit that my favorite is Across the Alley, mostly because it is the closest to my own life story. Whenever I read it I am reminded of my childhood.

What’s the most interesting thing about being an author?
If you tell a lie, you almost always get in trouble, but if you write down that lie and call it fiction, then people call you creative and smart and hard-working. And if you write down enough lies, then you are called an “author,” and eventually you get paid to go to schools and meet lots of great kids.
What’s a story that you would love to tell but haven’t yet?
Anything can make a good story as long as you tell it with the right words in the right order. Sounds simple, right?
I keep an “idea list” of stories I would love to tell. It is now lists over 100 ideas, and since it takes me about one year to write a book, I will need to live an extra 100 years to tell them all. Plus the world is such an interesting place that every few days I think of another story I’d like to tell. By next year, I will have crossed one story idea off my list and added another hundred. Even if I live forever I will fall further and further behind.
How did you meet Leonard Nimoy, the legendary actor who is also the subject of your book Fascinating: The Life of Leonard Nimoy?
I met Leonard when he came to the Yiddish Book Center to record my picture book, Too Young for Yiddish. We noticed that we looked alike, and we soon learned that we had a similar sense of humor, and liked some of the same books and artists. We spoke every day for over ten years. The first time Leonard called me, I had an old-fashioned flip phone that looked just like the communication devices on Star Trek, so I pretended that Mr. Spock was calling from outer space.

PJ Library Books by Richard Michelson:
A is For Abraham
Fascinating: the Life of Leonard Nimoy
The Language of Angels
Lipman Pike
Richard Michelson’s many books for children, teens and adults have been listed among the Ten Best of the Year by the New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and The New Yorker; and among the best Dozen of the Decade by Amazon.com. He received the 2017 National Jewish Book Award and the 2018 Sydney Taylor Gold Medal from the Association of Jewish Libraries (his second Sydney Taylor Gold Medal). In addition to being an author, Michelson is a popular guest speaker. He has traveled throughout the world talking to children and teachers about his love of poetry and social justice. Visit http://www.richardmichelson.com to learn more.
May 23, 2018