Harold Grinspoon Receives IMPACT Award, Sifriyat Pijama Highlighted

PJ Library founder and HGF namesake Harold Grinspoon was honored in New York City last week by the Jewish Book Council.

Jewish Book Magazine and Sifriyat PijamaAs printed in the Springfield Republican newspaper, Harold Grinspoon officially received his Jewish Book Council IMPACT Award, which was bestowed upon him in recognition of his work relating to PJ Library, which sends nearly 70,000 Jewish children’s books each month to families in more than 130 communities in North America.

“I am deeply honored to be winning the Jewish Book Council’s IMPACT award,” Grinspoon told The Republican. “It has been nothing short of amazing to see how the PJ Library program has taken root within the Jewish community and has flourished so well among Jewish families all over North America and now in Israel.”


The PJ Library program in Israel, known as Sifriyat Pijama, was of particular interest to the Jewish Book Council, which printed a glossy, two-page feature article about the program in its Spring 5771/2011 issue of its quarterly Jewish Book World Magazine.

The feature article is written by the Sifriyat Pijama program director, Galina Vromen.

“In Israel, we have focused largely on Hebrew books that deal with universal values,” Vromen writes, “books that are not at first glance overtly Jewish—but which provide a platform to talk about the Jewish perspective on universal values.”

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