7 Special Stories About Cooking for Shabbat

A family enjoying shabbat dinner together

Jewish life is full of delicious dishes, especially on Shabbat. Lovingly prepared food can help make the soul feel even more at home on this holy day. There is rich wine or grape juice to say the kiddush blessing over and warm fragrant challah, the braided bread traditionally eaten at each Shabbat meal. And then the courses begin! Each of the books in this list features special stories of families and friends preparing Shabbat dishes together.

Bubbe and Bart’s Matzoh Ball Mayhem book cover

Bubbe and Bart’s Matzoh Ball Mayhem

by Bonnie Grubman

Recommended for ages 4 to 5

Bubbe loves having everyone over for Shabbat dinner, almost as much as her dog, Bart, loves matzah balls. When the matzah balls won’t stay in the pot, the pair must get creative to keep the chaos under control.

Brand-New Bubbe book cover

Brand-New Bubbe

by Sarah Aronson

Recommended for ages 6 to 7

Jillian is wary of spending any time with Bubbe, her new stepdad’s mom: What will her Noni and Gram think? Then Bubbe’s matzah ball soup sparks an idea of how to bring everyone together, and Jillian learns there’s always room for more family.

Bubbie & Rivka’s Best-Ever Challah (So Far!) book cover

Bubbie & Rivka’s Best-Ever Challah (So Far!)

by Sarah Lynne Reul

Recommended for ages 4 to 5

Bubbie and Rivka want to bake challah, the traditional braided bread eaten on Shabbat. But neither of them know how! Luckily, Shabbat comes around every week, so there are plenty of opportunities for them to try and try again.

Chik Chak Shabbat book cover

Chik Chak Shabbat

by Mara Rockliff

Recommended for ages 6 to 7

Everyone in Goldie Simcha’s apartment building knows it’s Friday night when they smell her delicious Shabbat cholent, (a savory slow-cooked stew) but one Friday night, Goldie doesn’t feel well enough to cook. Her neighbors step up to make an unusual cholent for Shabbat, and soon Goldie will feel much better.

Egg for Shabbat book cover

An Egg for Shabbat

by Mirik Snir

Recommended for ages 3 to 4

In An Egg for Shabbat, each time a mother asks her young son to fetch an egg from the chicken coop, he ends up breaking it in a different way. Will he learn how to handle an egg with care?

Stone Soup with Matzoh Balls book cover

Stone Soup with Matzoh Balls

by Linda Glaser

Recommended for ages 6 to 7

How can you make a huge pot of delicious matzoh ball soup when all you’ve got is a cold, hard stone? In the Polish city of Chelm, anything can happen — and does.

This Is the Challah book cover

This Is the Challah

by Sue Hepker

Recommended for ages 2 to 3

When Bubbe and her grandchild bake challah for Shabbat, they make a big mess, and have a great time doing it. Told in rhyme, this story illustrates the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Shabbat, and the peacefulness that settles when it arrives.


7 Brightly Illustrated Books About Shabbat
How to Bless Children on Shabbat
Shabbat Stories Playlist