An Inspired Song & Lesson for Tu B'Shevat

Happy Birthday, Tree! By Madelyn RosenbergHOORAY FOR TREES! Before the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat arrives, PJ Library Goes to School program Director Lisa Litman has a few things to say -- and sing! -- about the forthcoming holiday.

This January, some children in PJ Library's Challah Toast (3 to 4 Years) Age Group will enjoy the timely selection, Happy Birthday, Tree! written by Madelyn Rosenberg and illustrated by Jana Christy.

In this story, a little girl presents her favorite climbing tree with a special birthday gift. After all, the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, also known as the Birthday of the Trees, celebrates the critical role that trees play in life.

In the video below, Litman takes inspiration from Happy Birthday, Tree! She explains in simple terms the significance of Tu B'Shevat and teaches us an original song to sing in celebration of the holiday.

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