A 'Thank You' Poem from a Cleveland Mom

A 'Thank You' Poem from a Cleveland MomWE LOVE TO HEAR FROM FAMILIES about the impact that PJ Library books are having on their children and their lives. Often, we get appreciative letters. Sometimes we receive cute photos. Rarely do we receive poems.

The charming poem below, however, was sent in to us from PJ parent Rachel Heiser of the Cleveland community. It caught our attention, and we just had to share. We hope you like it as much as we did!

Do you have a letter, image, or creative message to share with PJ Library? Send your notes and photos to outreach@hgf.org or post them to the PJ Library Facebook page (Facebook.com/PJLibrary).


Thank You to the Harold Grinspoon Foundation

by Rachel Heiser, Cleveland PJ Library Parent


Since 2009,
Harold and Diane have helped nearly 3,000 Cleveland children shine.
As PJ Library packages are opened all over town, siblings yell “that’s mine, that’s mine.”
Each month, the magical packages renew our Jewish learning.
Stories of Engineer Ari, Sammy Spider, Old MacNoah, Sadie and Ori grow our yearning.
For the next song or book,
our children always look.
To our surprise,
we overhear young ones “reading” books they’ve memorized.
Then, even younger ones say “thank you”
by shouting “Dayenu!
We sing the Four Questions to a new beat;
The Schneiderman Sisters’ CDs are always on repeat.
With your chesed, it is hard to compete.
Thank you for helping grow Jewish minds and souls; it’s no easy feat.


Much thanks to Rachel Heiser for sharing that wonderful poem with us! Are you interested in some of the PJ Library books and music mentioned in Rachel's poem? Here's some more information:

Engineer Ari

Illustrator: Miriam Latimer
SYNOPSIS: A family is shown celebrating together, while the lyrics from one of the most well-known and best-loved Passover songs and accompanying illustrations depict the Israelites’ departure from Egyptian slavery and their exuberant walk toward freedom.

Engineer Ari

Engineer Ari and the Rosh Hashanah Ride
Author: Deborah Bodin Cohen
Illustrator: Shahar Kober
SYNOPSIS: Israel’s first train chugs from Jaffa to Jerusalem just in time for Rosh Hashanah, taking treats to children for a sweet new year and seeing sights all along the way.

Old MacNoah Had an Ark

Old MacNoah Had an Ark
Author: Sally Lloyd-Jones
Illustrator: Jill Newton
SYNOPSIS: Noah has built an ark and herded all the animals on board. Now what is he to do with these hungry, smelly, slip-sliding creatures? Ee-i-Ee-i-o!

Old MacNoah Had an Ark

Oy Baby!
Performed By: The Schneiderman Sisters & Friends
OVERVIEW: From the jungle-drum infused rhythms of Zum Gali Gali to a swinging jazz rendition of Eitz Chayim, this is one children's CD parents won't mind listening to again and again

Sadie's Sukkah Breakfast

Sadie's Sukkah Breakfast
Author: Jamie Korngold
Illustrator: Julie Fortenberry
SYNOPSIS: Two siblings plan a special breakfast in their family’s sukkah during the harvest festival of Sukkot and end up sharing it with some very special guests.

Sammy Spider's First Simchat Torah

Sammy Spider's First Simchat Torah
Author: Sylvia Rouss
Illustrator: Katherine Janus Kahn
SYNOPSIS: Sammy Spider and Josh both learn about the celebration of Simchat Torah — complete with Israeli flags, stories, conversation, and a parade through the synagogue.