Passover Magic: Kveller's Book of the Month

Each month, along with children's author and Jewish parenting blogger Amy Meltzer, selects a "Book of the Month." April's selection is a Passover favorite among PJ Library families.

Passover Magic: Kveller's Book of the MonthPassover Magic by Roni Schotter tells the story of family celebrating Passover with a seder. Among the special relatives is Uncle Harry, dentist by day and magician by night. Meltzer writes:

There's magic--though not the abracadabra kind--in the way Harry dotes shamelessly on his wife Eda, and the way the whole family crowds into the kitchen to help with the preparations ... That's a kind of magic that can be found at almost any seder, with or without a part-time magician.

Read Meltzer's Review of Passover Magic.

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