Choose Your Own Get Together

We’ve provided a few themes and suggestions for Get Together events you could host, but if you’ve got another idea for a great gathering centered around Jewish holidays, culture, or values, we’d love to support it!

Apply now and let us know your plan. No need to create a 50-slide PowerPoint presentation — just send a few sentences to share the following details:

  1. The general theme and idea for the experience
    (e.g., a backyard campfire with friends from Jewish summer camp)
  2. The main components or activities
    (e.g., “We’ll have a backyard scavenger hunt, make s’mores, and get the kids singing their favorite camp songs together.”)
  3. Examples of how you might spend your Get Together reimbursement to enhance the fun
    (e.g., s’mores ingredients, scavenger-hunt-clue stickers, fun flashlights kids can take home)

Your Get Together plan must also 

  • Include two or more Jewish families other than your own.

  • Center around Jewish holidays, culture, or values.

The PJ Library Get Together program does not include personal milestone events (birthdays, anniversaries), Jewish organizational outings/events, or events open to the community. You may not combine multiple reimbursements for the same Get Together.

After your Get Together experience, make sure to let us know how it went and if you’d do anything differently. We might just want to make your idea one of the recommended options for everyone!

Get started with our tips for hosting a family-friendly Get Together.

Apply Now

Make sure to submit your host application by June7, 2024. Apply soon since there are a limited number of Get Together events available for expense reimbursement. To apply, you’ll need to copy and paste your personal application code, which you’ll find in the Get Together emails we’ve sent.

Hosts will receive instructions on completing a postevent report that must be submitted to us by June 21,2024. This report allows you to request up to $100 in reimbursement for hosting expenses. Note that host families can be reimbursed for a limit of three Get Together experiences, but you can host as many additional events as you’d like.

Send us pictures of you and your friends at your Get Together!
We'd love to see a photo or three.