And There Was Evening and There Was Morning
What do you find amazing about the world?

the PJ Library Book
This book, told in rhyming couplets, recounts the biblical story of the Creation, emphasizing humans’ role in appreciating and caring for the environment. The illustrator uses Hebrew letters to create her stunning, awe-inspiring illustrations.
Jewish values
Taking care of the Earth – shmirat ha’adamah
Centuries before protecting the environment and global warming became hot topics of conversation, ancient sages understood that the Earth’s resources are limited. A famous midrash (legend) recounts God explaining, “Look at how beautiful My works are. See to it that you do not spoil and destroy My world; for if you do, there will be no one else to repair it.”
- How does our family care for the Earth? What is something new we could try?
fun things at home
Watch it grow

It’s fun and rewarding to watch things that you’ve planted grow. Plant a small herb garden or buy two small plants for your kitchen, such as mint or basil. You and your child can observe how they grow. Take time to stop and smell the rosemary.