PJ Library Books Arriving This Month: April 2020

Are you eagerly awaiting the arrival of your PJ Library envelope? Here are the books going out to families this month. Click on any book cover or title to learn more about the story:

6 Months - 2 Years

3 Falafels in My Pita

3 Falafels in My Pita
by Maya Friedman

Nosh, Schlep, Schluff

Nosh, Schlep, Schluff
by Laurel Snyder

2-3 Years

A Hoopoe Says Oop

A Hoopoe Says Oop
by Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh

Lilah Tov, Good Night

Lilah Tov, Good Night
by Mister G

3-4 Years

It's A Mitzvah Grover

It's A Mitzvah, Grover!
by Tilda Balsley

In the Jerusalem Forest

In the Jerusalem Forest
by Devora Busheri

4-5 Years

Outside My Door
by Gil-ly Alon Curiel

5-6 Years

Shmulik Paints the Town book cover

Shmulik Paints the Town
by Lisa Rose

6-7 Years

A Hole in the Boat book cover

A Hole in the Boat
by Adi Zelichov Ralevi

7-8 Years

The Peddler and the Baker book cover

The Peddler and the Baker
by Yael Molchadsky

8+ Years

Yuvi’s Candy Tree

Yuvi’s Candy Tree
by Lesley Simpson