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Episode Notes
Does this story sound familiar? It's based on the folktale and PJ Library book It Could Only Be Worse by Margot Zemach. Or you might have read it in The Little, Little House; A Big Quiet House; and even OY Vey, Life in a Shoe.
This story is about a Jewish idea called sameach b'chelko, being happy with what you have. Dr. Epstein has a hard time being happy with his living arrangements. But after 25 protocol epsilon stages, he's collected a lot more stuff than he'll ever need. And after a reset back to where he started, he finds that he just might be happier than he ever has been.
Episode Credits
Have I Got a Story For You is a production of PJ Library
Executive producers: Meredith Lewis, Alli Thresher
Director: Alli Thresher
Additional production: Craig Rossein
Website design: Christina Rizer
Audio editing, mixing and mastering: Peter Moore
Theme music: Penelope Alizarin Conley
Score: Peter Moore
Recorded at Palace of Purpose Studios in Malden, MA.
Cover art: Barb Bastian
This episode was written by Jason Allen.
Narrator, Rita Toomey: Madelaine Ripley
Dr. Michael J. Epstein: Tau Zaman of the Whisper Forge
Daniel Schottenfeld: Peter Moore
Judi Ortega: Gwen D'Angelo
With special thanks to Payton James (PJ)