The ten days beginning with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are called the Ten Days of Teshuvah (Ten Days of Returning) – turning away from our mistakes and returning to the “best self” we can be.

We have a special opportunity to focus on our relationships, to say we’re sorry for things we’ve done wrong, and to discuss how to make our connections to family, friends, and community stronger.




7 PJ Library Books That Help Children Learn to Say “I’m Sorry”

10 Days 10 Questions and Reflections for the new year via Reboot


What is PJ Library?
If you like this guide, make sure you are signed up for PJ Library, and we will send your child an age-appropriate, expertly curated Jewish children’s book every month. PJ Library is a free program for families raising Jewish kids from birth through 12 years old, offering books that capture children’s imaginations with fun characters and vibrant illustrations. PJ Library stories are a fun, easy way to share Jewish culture and values with your child.

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