PJ Library Books Arriving This Month: October 2019

Are you eagerly awaiting the arrival of your PJ Library envelope? Here are the books going out to families this month. Click on any book cover or title to learn more about the story:

6 Months - 2 Years

Baby Be Kind
by Jane Cowen-Fletcher

Just Look at You
by Bara Bat-Shem

2-3 Years

Fridays Are Special
by Chris Barash

We Are Jewish Faces
by Debra B. Darvick

3-4 Years

Something from Nothing
by Phoebe Gilman

4-5 Years

The Mitzvah Magician
by Linda Elovitz Marshall

5-6 Years

Hillel takes a bath book cover

Hillel Takes a Bath
by Vicki Weber

The Cholent Brigade book cover

Cholent Brigade
by Michael Herman

6-7 Years

Things Should Match Book cover

Things Should Match
by Sheldon Oberman

Joha Makes a Wish
by Eric A. Kimmel

7-8 Years

The Mountain Jews and the Mirror
by Ruchama King Feuerman

Oy! Feh! So?
by Cary Fagan

8+ Years

A Spotlight for Harry
by Eric A. Kimmel

Kibitzers and Fools
by Simms Taback