Why We Chose This Book: The Golden Bell

The Golden Bell

The PJ Library Book Selection Committee knows that kids often respond well to books with modern-day settings. A contemporary tale is usually easier for kids to relate to, after all, and there are already plenty of Jewish books set in the shtetls of Central and Eastern Europe.

But going back in time can be an adventure, especially when we go way, way, back. That’s partly why we were excited to read The Golden Bell, by Tamar Sachs. Set in ancient Israel, this story about the mitzvah (commandment) of returning lost objects offers up a bit of history, a little archeology, and dollop of Jewish law, all within the framework of a really sweet story. The main character’s dilemma is something readers of any time period will be able to relate to. We loved this timeless story, and we hope that PJ families will too.